


District Resources


Morningside Elementary

Morningside Elementary was one of two new BISD campuses to open in the Fall of 1986. Located in southeast Brownsville, Morningside takes its name from the street it calls home. Oscar Cantu, Sr. opened the new school as Morningside’s first principal. The construction of the school was unique at the time because of the use of building quadrants which would allow for flexibe future expansion. The school was also built with computer controlled air-conditioning, ceiling fans, and interior and exterior windows to create the most effective cross ventilation. The main campus was originally comprised of fifty-one classrooms, a cafeteria, library, and gymnasium.  A mini-gymnasium was built in 2002.

The student population at Morningside Elementary School is approximately 458 and serves students in grades Pre-Kinder through fifth.  According to the PEIMS Data Review of our campus profile, 99.4% of the student population is Hispanic and 94.7% are identified as Economically Disadvantaged.  Many of our students are first generation Mexican immigrants, 56.6% are classified as Limited English Proficient and a majority is English/Spanish bilingual.  In addition, several of our students come from homes which participate in state and federal assistance programs such as food stamps, welfare, the Women, Infant, Children (WIC) nutrition program, and subsidized housing and medical assistance. 

The students of Morningside Elementary School are recipients of a well-balanced curriculum.  Courses are offered in every subject area and enrichment area, for example Music.  The instructional programs include academic core subjects at various levels, such as the Gifted and Talented, and various instructional Technology opportunities.  All students are required to meet the passing standard of the four assessments which comprise the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR).